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Closets can quickly become cluttered and overwhelming.
Our closets are the catch-all for random junk we don’t want our guest to see (or we don’t want to look at ourselves.) I hate opening our hall closet. Sometimes I just have to cross my fingers and hope nothing falls on me. However, organizing your closets can be really easy if you have the right tools.
Here are 5 closet organizing essentials that are a must have for clean closets!
Closet Organization System
The best way to keep our closets organized and clean is to have a system in place. Having just a rod to hang clothes on isn’t going to get you very far when organizing your closet. Having a combination of shelves and rods can really make the difference in a clean closet and a cluttered closet. If you don’t already have a system in place here is a 4 to 8 foot system made by Rubbermaid.
Shoe Storage
In our house shoes quickly get scattered all over the floor. It drives me crazy. There is nothing worse than walking into a room and tripping over a shoe. But it is also hard to find a place to store our shoes as well. We installed a long shelf along the bottom of our closet in the master bedroom. We just used a white closet board and shelving brackets. However, if you are not handy a fabric shoe organizer is a great option or a stack-able shoe organizer!
Ties & Scarfs Hanger
Ties and scarfs can quickly litter your closet. I used to have all my scarfs in a big ball. It wasn’t very organized and I could never find what I was looking for. That is until I found out they make hangers specifically for scarfs! I got my scarf hanger at TJ Maxx but here is one that holds 28 scarfs and has a ton of customer reviews. They also make tie hangers if you have a hubby that likes to wear ties!
Socks & Underwear Storage
My husband has a ton of t-shirts (literally 4 dresser drawers full), so there is not much room in his dresser for socks and underwear. Needing a place to store these items we came up with a quick easy solution! We store his socks and underwear in cube storage bins right inside our closet on a shelf. He has one cube for underwear and one for socks. We also use these cubes for hats, gloves & bathing suits.
Bra Hangers
I must admit, like my hubby, my drawers are full of clothes. So many clothes that I don’t have a lot of room for extras, like my bras. I store my bras on a little hook right inside my closet, which isn’t a very organized system. My straps tend to get tangled. But I just found a quick fix! There are bra/tank top hangers! Who knew? (Maybe you did already and I just missed the memo.) These little hangers have a ton of hooks for all your bras and camis! I plan to order one the next time I make an Amazon purchase!
How do you organize your closet? Comment below and let me know!
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